About Theresa Swift, MS, CPQC, CRC, PFTP

Why shouldn't someone be successful with large responsibilities and have time and energy to enjoy life!?
Early in her career, Theresa recalls taking an individual assessment at an emerging leadership class. She discovered that her top "anchors" were management and work-life balance. The facilitator said, "I feel really bad for you with that combination. You're not going to be able to do both! People who head down a leadership path, won't have a life." Theresa isn't one to shy away from challenges and recalls thinking to herself, "Oh yeah? Just wait and see!" Although no longer in her 20's, Theresa still believes you can be an outstanding leader and have a rewarding life.
She was promoted quickly to positions of leadership, managing multi-million dollar projects, teams, and large corporate-wide change initiatives. She understands just how difficult it is to balance large responsibilities and excel at work AND have time and energy for home, friends, dreams and hobbies.
But what if she mistook the facilitator’s statement as "truth"? It would have limited her abilities and undermined her purpose. She believes wholeheartedly that a successful, gratifying balance can be achieved. It’s why she has devoted her career to helping busy professionals thrive.
Theresa’s clients have BIG dreams. They make a difference in this world! They desire success at work and fulfillment in life.
Similar to years ago, Theresa has that same passion for her clients -- “Oh yeah? WE can do it!” Customized coaching makes it possible.
More About Theresa . . .
An Executive Coach and Leadership Coach in private practice since 2004, Theresa Swift works with leaders and professionals in fast-paced, demanding industsries where effective communication, strong relationships, ease of navigating change, and personal well-being are critical to success.
Demanding environments face unique challenges. Theresa has found that improving particular leadership skills and "soft" skills lessen the chance of professional burnout. Her customized coaching helps individuals build stronger customer and staff relationships, achieve critical professional goals, and improve personal well-being. She believes in a strategic approach to coaching, because each person and each organization is unique!
Theresa is exceptional in that she has purposefully deepened her knowledge about her clients’ day-to-day challenges and industries by immersing herself in their industries. She has worked in healthcare, high-tech, and public accounting. She easily connects with her clients AND she cares!

A true “leader by example,” Theresa applies her own mental fitness, coaching techniques, and philosophy to her life. She actively pursues her own dreams and lives the values she teaches. She understands that sometimes it’s the small things that make for huge strides. At other times, it’s fierce determination and willingness that's needed to take big risks to achieve big results. She is a strong proponent of lifelong learning and continues to enhance her business and coaching methods through ongoing education in the co-active coaching philosophy, positive psychology, and by staying engaged in her clients’ industries.

In 2004, Theresa followed one of her dreams to create her coaching and consulting business. While managing her business, she achieved a few other dreams. She was invited to co-author a book on creating vibrant relationships, fulfilling a dream of hers to write. A competitive ballroom dancer, she was a USA Dance finalist in her category. She also achieved a dream of competing overseas at the highest levels, which included a move to France to dance with the former French champion.
Beyond coaching and following her dreams, Theresa is well-versed in Organizational Dynamics, Culture Change, Process Excellence, and Change Management practices. She's asked to consult in those areas for operations, mergers and acquisitions, and talent initiatives. Organizations who have worked with Theresa have increased profit, revenue, retention, and engagement. Her operational experience includes working in many countries, companies, and industries. She worked on GE's Corporate Audit Staff, graduated from GE’s Technical Leadership Program, and was a former mechanical engineer. She makes time to appreciate beauty in nature, photography, music, and DanceSport.

Certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Coach
Graduate from Co-Active Training Institute*
Graduate and Certified Coach from Crossroads Coaching*
“Profit from the Positive” Certified Practitioner
Six-Sigma Black Belt Certified
Master of Science in Organizational Dynamics, UPenn
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, UC-Berkeley
* ICF-accredited coaching institution​